CEO and Founder, True Cycle
Partner, True Cycle
CEO and Founder, WorksmART Advantage
Founder, FittBodies
CEO, Rialto Academy
Veteran with United States Army Special Forces (Green Beret) and Intelligence Officer
CEO and Founder, Capacity
Graduate from Harvard Business School, Speaker, Author of Hardwiring & Rewiring
CEO and Founder, LeadershipState
Hi, I am Joseph Lerner, the CEO of True Cycle. I am an entrepreneur, leadership coach, and avid cyclist. In 2020, I was riding on my favorite mountain in Mission Trails, reflecting on how the pandemic was affecting the teams that I work with. The individual and team building methods that were effective before didn’t seem to cut it in the new reality of hybrid work environments. Every day when I went for a ride, I realized that the same components that make up a strong athlete are the key ingredients to creating strong leadership- repetition, change, and consistency. You don't always put out the same effort and expect the same result. Variety is key.
While repetition of best leadership practices leads to professional growth, I saw the need for holistic coaching to make that growth long-lasting. Over the years, I have found that when individuals’ personal life cycles are centered in the leadership development process, authentic progress is made.
In cycling, wheel truing is the process of improving the roundness, or trueness, of the wheel. Similarly, the True Cycle method works to tru up the cycles that dictate how well individuals, teams, and organizations function. By incorporating creativity and wellness into coaching, the cycles of leadership development are able to rotate smoothly.
Coaching engagements are often one-off, making it hard for the lessons to stick in the long run. Just as the best athletes require continuous coaching to maintain and develop their skills, all teams and leaders require coaching to maximize their performance. Our program cycles are designed to create lasting, ongoing change.
All of our programs were co-created by experts in their field. In founding True Cycle, we combined my coaching expertise with the creative expertise of Van Lai-Dumone- founder of WorksmArt, and the wellness expertise of Stephenie Fitt-Griggs, founder of FittBodies.
True Cycle Partners Joseph Lerner and Van Lai-Dumone.